Saturday, May 26, 2012

Memories of laughter

May 08, 2012

Deacon had his first real laugh yesterday!  I was talking to him while I put him in his carseat (something he usually hates) and he let out this delightful gurgling little peal of laughter.  SO SWEET!

I don't think I'll ever forget the first time he laughed.

Today was great: we were playing a game where I would swing him up and kiss his nose and then swing him do wn, then up, repeat, repeat.  We were standing on the porch and he was swinging in and out of a shaft of sunlight.  Every time he went down (into the sun) he would LAUGH.  Such amazing giggles.  And every time I kissed his nose he would give a big open-mouth grin.  I wish I could have recorded it.

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