Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Breastfeeding backlog

I've been keeping a private journal documenting my breastfeeding struggles since I began taking domperidone.  It hasn't been easy.  Recording the progress we've made has helped.  So I've decided to upload that backlog of journal entries in case anyone out there is going through something similar.

April 24, 2012

I learned about the trap of formula supplementing today.  When I was breastfeeding every two hours and only giving formula as a very last resort it wasn't much of a problem... but then I had the idea to let the breast "fill" for a couple days to give him patience sucking.  (I know this is horrible for supply but the baby wouldn't suck for more than 3 minutes at any given time. Having a fuller breast with more letdowns really helped give him patience, so I still stand by that decision in our unique situation.)   Shortly after that we experienced a nursing strike.  And I realized I had gotten into the habit of him rejecting the breast, to the point where I wasn't offering as much.

I was at my nephew's baseball game and mom and I noticed the baby was fussing and rooting a bit.  But even when he's rooting he often rejects the breast when offered and cries harder.  Mom suggested I nurse him and I said "he probably won't want to but I'll try."

He nursed in the car for a good 20-30 minutes!

That night he had horrible gas pains and screamed for an hour and a half no matter what I did.  I was at the end of my rope with methods to soothe him.  I wanted to try nursing but I was afraid it would just upset his tummy further... plus I was sure he wouldn't want to, anyway.

Eventually, when nothing else worked, my brother-in-law suggested comfort nursing.  So I laid down with the baby and we nursed and he zonked out and slept five hours straight.

I've gotten into the bad habit of assuming he won't want to nurse... maybe because it hurts so much when he wrinkles up his nose and turns his head away.  So yesterday I made it a point to offer more and it worked a little... we got two or three small nursing in that we wouldn't have otherwise.

Today I offered every two hours again.  I wish I responded to the pump better.

I'm getting ready for my domperidone by trying to increase demand, especially now when he's on his daytime strike.  (He still nurses well at night.)

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