Wednesday, July 18, 2012

Yarn Along

Something about a new baby makes me extremely crafty.  I'm not sure why.  Something about trying to make the home cozy for him, probably.  Either way, I have an incredible To Do list, among them three or four knitting projects. 

Yes, I've found the knitting habit.  I'm just learning and having tremendous fun.  So I decided to play along with the Small Things Yarn Along - since I so enjoy reading everyone elses WIPs.

It's not very romantic looking with a Nook, is it?

Technically I took these photos last week and the project has already come off the needles.  It's a wool diaper cover.  It's all stitched up but I do still have a couple rows of ribbing to knit for the leg holes.  It was fun and didn't take terribly long... I think about two weeks from start to finish?  (Assuming I finish the legs by the end of this week.)  My mother helped me pick out the wool.  It's a worsted weight malabrigo and very soft. 

Right now I'm reading (or trying to -- who has the time with all this knitting?) The Wet Nurse's Tale by Erica Eisdorfer.  It might not sound like a terribly fascinating topic but it's remarkably entertaining!  Very well written, with a warm, engaging heroine who is chubby and good hearted and matter-of-fact.  I get the sense that the author did a lot of research to make it historically accurate... and I appreciate a book that writes about the Regency period through a point of view other than the aristocracy.  It's fun to read about what life was like for the lower-middle class.

And in other news, I'm making this for dinner:

Spicy Corn Cheese soup. 

I hope it turns out as good as it smells!


  1. lovely shade of blue for a diaper cover! I hope your soup tastes as good as it looks!!

  2. soup sounds tasty! and that book sounds really interesting. so many good books to learn about on the yarn along!

  3. I love wool diaper covers!! Very pretty blues you have pickex out. ...and mmmmmmm to the supper soup. :-)
