Friday, July 13, 2012

A Day of Milestones

It has been one of those days, a trying sort of day. Both the baby and I have been out of sorts for a couple days. We haven't been sleeping well and Deacon's tummy has been upset. So we've had a lot of fussing and tears... but we've also had good things. Lots of good things.

Today was a day of firsts. Deacon did a full roll from back to front! I misses it, of course. I set him on his sheepskin with a toy, turned to clean the table, turned back and it took a minute to register that he was in an entirely new position - and playing with a different toy! My excitement made him smile and look so pleased with himself.

He also found his toes. He was grabbing them all night.

He also had his first taste of something other than milk. We're delaying solids until he shows he's ready for it... but my pediatrician recommended some very diluted pear juice to help his constipation. He just seems so uncomfortable so I gave it a try.

He loved his bottle! Every time I pulled it away he grabbed it with his chubby hands and pulled it back to his mouth. No progress on the poo front but I'll repeat the bottle tomorrow if nothing happens.

It was a hard day but a good day. These new milestones serve as a reminder that he is changing so fast and that even cranky days are things to cherish.

did ya see it mom? did ya?!

i rolled!


does this taste good?

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