Sunday, July 1, 2012

Little Routines

As we settle into our new home, we also settle into a routine of sorts. Anything can happen during the afternoons but our mornings and evenings have a rhythm to them.

In the evening, once we finish dinner dishes, its time to play with toys. Then we read books, have our evening bottle, and a bath. Then jammies and bedtime.

Our mornings start with a little snuggling in bed, then the baby sits in his bouncy chair with a favorite toy (a cow rattle) while I shower. I am so grateful for a baby who lets me shower! Both of us are dressed, we come downstairs so he can sit in his swing and play with toys while I have coffee and breakfast.

Its a simple routine that works for us... that is, unless the baby wakes up at 4 in the morning with a leaking diaper. I changed him and cuddled up to him again, thinking he would go back to sleep. No such luck this time. To his credit, he's a happy baby in the wee small hours, and he let me sleep off and on (more off than on) until 8. If you can call it sleep.

So this morning instead of a shower and getting dressed, I wrapped my naked baby i na Winnie the Pooh blanket and stumbled downstairs for coffee first thing. At first he seemed bewildered by this change but he's going with the flow (babies are good at that.)

So much for starting church this week. I can't wait for our morning nap!

my little monkey

breakfast while working
on meal plans

he loves that giraffe

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