Friday, July 6, 2012

(Very) Happy Birthday To Me

Today is my birthday.

I've never cared much for my birthdays and, to be honest, I forgot about this one completely.  My mother reminded me about two days ago. 

Thinking back on my 28th year, however, I feel nothing but peace and satisfaction.  It was a rough year, to be sure, but growing is always painful.  One year ago I had just found out I was pregnant.  It was not a welcome surprise.  I went through months of godawful vomiting and was so depressed I barely wanted to crawl out of bed.  I moved.  I had a baby.  I discovered faith.  I moved again.

Life going into year 29 is so completely different than year 28 that I can hardly recognize it as the same life.  I certainly don't feel like the same person.

I could never have imagined the journey God set me on last year... and I am so very thankful he did.

Here is my 28th year in pictures:

 not looking particularly happy?

baby shower, feeling better but still not thrilled

 family visiting after delivery

joy looks like this

we're having fun now

29th birthday

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