Tuesday, June 5, 2012

You Grow In Leaps


My darling boy, you amaze me.  Every day with you is so full of joy.  I never imagined life could be so poignant and worthwhile. 

My favorite thing in the world is watching how you grow.  You grow in leaps.  A single eye blink and you are suddenly different than you were.

You used to fit so snugly cradled in one arm.  Now you are a 16lb sack of potatos draped over my shoulder, snoring, drooling.

I used to ask myself, "Is it normal for him to sleep so much?" and now I consider it a huge success when I get you down for a nap.

You used to have a fuzzy duckling head, full of the softest whiteblond newborn fuzz.  Now you have silky yellow hair.

You used to watch the world with a serious look of consternation.  We were sure you disapproved of all of us.  Now you smile big toothless grins.  You coo and you laugh.  (I live to make you smile.)

You are still the warmest, softest hot water bottle in the world.

You used to nurse to sleep and snuggle against my breast.  Now we pace the floor for a half hour every night.

You still love lullabyes.

You used to be content to be carried snuggled up against mama.  Now you want to face out and observe the world.  You reach for my muffin and slap your hands on the desk.  You make squishy fists in your aunt's sweater.  You have staring contests with my water cup.  (The cup wins.)

You look so proud of yourself when you manage to sit up by holding onto my fingertips.  When you stand on your own wobbly legs with only my fingertips to assist you, it looks as though you conquered the world.

You still hate the carseat.

You play with toys now.  You chew on their ears and noses and squish them up against your body.  You clutch them posessively with both hands.  You burble in delight when they sing songs or twinkle lights.

You barely fit into your 6 month clothes anymore.  All your adorable footies are now in a box.

You still pat my boob or my face with a chubby, proprietary hand, as if saying, "mine."

You are still the most precious thing in my entire world.

I try not to blink.

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