Sunday, June 24, 2012

Settling In

Sorry we have been absent.  As you can see from the pictures, it has been a challenge settling in to our new townhouse.  I think I did pretty well considering I did most of it by myself with the baby.  Luckily, my sister came by and we spent an entire day knocking out boxes and hanging pictures.
So it is starting to feel more like a home!

I really like our new home.  It's clean and bright and cozy.  I wish with all my heart we could have found a house we could afford.  I dearly wanted the baby to have a yard.  But for now the townhouse is a good option... though the soundproofing leaves something to be desired.

I can hear everything that goes on - not only in my neighbors apartments, but outside my bedroom window (the rain in the gutter sounds like an extremely loud popcorn popper) and across the parking lot, as well.

The only other situation I'm really having a hard time with is our washing machine.  Energy efficient apparently means not efficient at all when it comes to cleaning.  It only hits lukewarm temperatures and only fills the basin 1/3 full for rinses.  So I have to use 4 wash cycles to get my cloth diapers clean!  Plus the agitator seems too strong and appears to be fraying the hems on my laundry.

But these are small things, over all, and I'm really trying to be positive and grateful for everything I have.  I'm so lucky to have this nice home.  I'm so very, very lucky to be able to stay home with the baby this year.  I think, because a few big things aren't right (like me being a single mom, for starters) that I tend to obsess when little imperfections crop up.  I'm working on that.

I am so very blessed.

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