Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Impromptu Vacation

Where to start?

 My father took my younger sister on a camping trip over the weekend, so Deacon and I used the opportunity to visit my sister in Eugene. We enjoyed ourselves so much that we stayed a whole week.  I really liked that city and wish I could still live there.

There was something so comforting about going back to the house where the baby was born. I've always loved my sister's house, even though with two kids and a work-at-home business it can be a little chaotic. But there is something reassuring about it. My sister is so even-keeled, her children are sweet and precocious and so dear to my heart. Plus, the smell of her house always reminds me of my aunt's house when we were children - a smell I can't really put my finger on - a kids soap, fresh air, sunscreen and popsicle type smell. I loved visiting my aunt so it brings back good memories.

Deacon and I slept in my niece's princess bed which worked remarkably well considering how small it was. He woke a bit more through the night than usual but not bad. Every morning when we went downstairs my nephew was already up, bright eyed and bushy tailed, and we got to spend a little time together just the three of us before the rest of the house woke up. Deacon adores his cousins. He loves watching them. I can tell he's learning so much.

I admired my niece's curly bob so much that I asked my brother-in-law to cut mine just like it! All I was doing was keeping my hair in a bun anyway. It turned out so well I think I may make him my official stylist!

By the end of the week both the baby and I were tired so it was good to go home... but even though the peace and quiet and routine of home are nice, it seems a bit lonely after all the life and noise of the other house. And it really makes me want a yard - just a little place to sit and look at something green. My tiny balcony garden doesn't quite cut it.

All in all I'd say the week did me good. I came home with a fresh perspective and a bit more of a plan on how to get this little family where I want it to be.
making paper stars with my niece and nephew

going for a walk

taking the kids to the park

Deacon's cousins swinging

my new hair, kinda blurry (my niece took the photo)

i jusy love this photo

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