Friday, August 3, 2012

Fluffy Mail

I had several packages waiting for me when I got home from our trip. I really love getting packages in the mail!

The first was three extra workhorse fitteds since I'm planning to transition Deacon into fitteds and wool whenever possible - especially overnight. He's already in size large and I really love the fit. The elastic is so gentle! I'm thinking of destashing my prefolds (he is outgrowing them and its getting difficult to put them on the wigglier he gets) and getting some more workhorses. I can alternate quite happily between those and the Swaddlebees Simplex and then my entire stash will be nice, simple 100% cotton dipes with a good fit on my chunkster.

I also had a package waiting from Quince & Co!

A brown paper package, so of course I had to start singing 'My Favorite Things' from The Sound of Music. Now, I don't know much about yarn, but I'm just in love with the Osprey. Its so cushy and soft and the color 'marsh' is a perfect deep green that will look very handsome on the baby.

I'm a little disappointed in the Lark, however. It sounded like it would be good at showing off the cabling of the Milo vest I'm planning, which is why I bought it, but the texture is only so-so, I think.  My mother says its a good yarn and she knows more about this sort of thing. Also, the color is nothing like what was pictured! The color is 'honey' so one would expect it to he somewhat honey-like, yes? Some sort of orange, tan, or amber? Thats what was pictured. Instead, I got olive green. Straightforward olive green. I don't know about you but I've never seen honey that color! Still, I think the color may make a nice vest in the end. Here's hoping!

My last package wasn't actually mailed. My sister is lucky enough to live a couple blocks from Mountain Rose Herbs so I picked up an order of herbal tea and some herbs to make my own diaper balm (calendula, comfrey, chamomile.) I'm modifying recipes I've seen a couple different places, going mostly off Ginny's recipe for bottom salve on Small Things.

So I packed the herbs in a mason jar and set it in the sun to steep for a couple weeks. I've noticed this is almost the same recipe used in my brother in law's Three Sevens tattoo balm - minus St Johns Wort and Chickweed. So it must be quite versatile. I can't wait to finish it!

I also got a copy of The Amish Kitchen Cookbook from my sister. It has some good simple hearty recipes.  I'm excited to try them out.

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